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14 Oct
Idealpos 7.1 Build 4
We've released Idealpos 7.1 Build 4 and it's ready for downloading and installing on your system. To find out what's included, check out the Update History and see how to use the enhancements. We recommend that you read through the Update History guide to see how to use some of the new features.
Please note that this release will perform data conversion for Stock Items by Location from Access into the SQL database. On smaller sized databases, this conversion should be fairly quick. However, on larger databases, this conversion may take longer to process. Please refer to the second page of the Update History document for more information before running this upgrade.
We also recommend contacting your reseller for more information if you need help installing this build.
Consideration should be given to modifications made to the system which are defined in the Update History or Build Release Notes. These modifications may impact or affect a feature of the system that is currently being used. Idealpos highly recommends that a full backup of the system is created before and after the system has been updated. Idealpos also recommends that the operation of all aspects of the system are tested and monitored following this update. This advice is also applicable in the event that the Software update only contains fixes to the system and there is no Update History or Release Note document supplied. Please contact Idealpos or your Reseller for assistance.
** Enhancements
* [IP-983] - Promotions by Item Report - added Cost Price field
* [IP-2664] - Import Customer "Other Codes" field
* [IP-2768] - Xero Accounting Module - support for USA/Canada
* [IP-2779] - PAX Eftpos - POSLink Integration
* [IP-2872] - Supplier Invoice Report shows the Department and Sales Category
* [IP-2895] - Customer Tipping Functionality
* [IP-2906] - Yes/No Option - Confirm to Over-Tender to a Tip
* [IP-2907] - Stock Location and Stocktake Quantity show on Stock Items by Location Grid
* [IP-2908] - Enter Stocktake Grid shows Department
* [IP-2911] - Paymentree Pay@Table Interface
* [IP-2912] - Dashboard - Last 90 Days chart includes comparison with Same Time Last Year
* [IP-2939] - Yes/No Option - Automatically Email Account Payments/Adjustments
* [IP-2954] - Gratuity Suggestions on Bill
* [IP-2961] - Stock Item Sales Report - includes Tax Amount for Regions using Ex-Tax Rates
* [IP-2975] - Customer Display - 1024 x 600 option
* [IP-2976] - Stock Item Label Export (DesignPro) - Support for Long Description
* [IP-2977] - Receipts/Bills - option to combine Taxes as a Total Tax amount
* [IP-2985] - USA - Gratuity Suggestion tag for Receipt Footers