Convenience Store POS Systems

Our Convenience Store POS Systems can be tailored to suit the exact needs of your business - allowing you to quickly transact with your customers, stay on top of stock control, manage barcodes and much more. Products in convenience stores are many and varied. In order to speed up service at the cashier, you would want to be able to scan as many of the items as possible.

Idealpos uses scanning technology in many ways. Any items that don't have a barcode can have one created for them in Idealpos, which can then be printed on label stickers and/or shelf labels. Even items from a deli department can be programmed and scanned with accompanying labels.

Using Idealpos' Pocket Stock app, you can easily perform a stocktake on the items within your store and continue trading. But performing a stocktake is only one of the features of the app. You can also receive stock, view/change prices, add bar codes to items and transfer items to other locations.

Our POS Systems are developed locally in Brisbane.

Convenience Store POS Systems in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne & all other areas of Australia

Our Convenience Store POS Systems are available for fast installation throughout Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and all other major metro areas throughout Australia.

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  • Pocket Stock app
  • Barcode Scanning & Label Printing
  • Stock Control
  • Promotions
  • Customer Display Screen
Pocket Stock app

Pocket Stock app

Idealpos utilises an app to allow you better management tools for the serious side of your business, stock control. With Pocket Stock, you are able to perform a stocktake on all your locations, view/change prices, transfer stock between locations, receive items into stock and assign barcodes to all items.

If required, you can use a scanning device by Linea Pro which gives your phone extra functionality. This scanning device is not required, however, by having the scanning device, your efficiency will be increased, enabling you to scan all your items in a timely manner.

Pocket Stock links directly to Idealpos and transfers data in a matter of seconds, allowing you to get on with the job you need to do.

Customer Display

Customer Display

Showcase your specials right in front of your customers as they make their decisions. Images can be set to scroll through a folder of pre-prepared images showcasing what you want  to sell quickly.

There are numerous layouts to choose from where you can show an image the entire time, or show the items as they are rung up and then utilize the full screen when there is no sale taking place.

Label Printing

Label Printing

Idealpos can create labels that can be printed out onto various mediums for use with barcode scanners. Stock Items, Customers and Promotions can be printed using various label settings. Idealpos can add a scancode to all stock items automatically if required. 

Labels are most useful in being able to add barcodes to items that originally don't come with them as standard. This then allows the stock items to be scanned quickly during a sale, but also to be scanned easily during a stocktake.

When selecting labels to print you are able to select multiple items in one go, saving you time from multiple searches. When selecting items to print you can select lines in blocks or individual lines.



Promotions are a great way to bundle products together for a quick sale, or to showcase a new product and make it a standard purchase with your regular customers.

Idealpos allows you to create many different types of promotions so you can sell your products the best way you know how.

Barcode Scanning

Barcode Scanning

Barcodes are used in Idealpos for the fast entry of stock items into the sales screen using a barcode scanner, or for stock control using the Stock Manage app. When used in a convenience store, barcodes add speed and precision to all sales. Barcodes can also be used when printed on gift vouchers, credit notes, receipts and coupons for improved service.

Barcodes are fast and secure so help you go about your business knowing that mistakes are kept to a minimum. Used in conjunction with label printing and Idealpos' internal barcode creation facility, you can achieve great results very quickly.

Scale Integration

Scale Integration

Idealpos integrates to 11 different scales that allow direct weight measurement into the POS screen sales window. This means you can simply put the items on a scale, press the selected stock item button and it will be weighed instantly and display the price.

One set of scales is, the Ishida labeller. This scale does not weigh items directly into POS, but creates programmable barcodes for the items you weigh that can be scanned into POS at the time of sale.

Convenience Bardon Confectionary

Companies that use our Convenience Store POS system

Golden Circle Factory Outlet

Ingredients Deli

Skinny's Supa Deli

Convenience Store POS system integration partners



A global leader respected for innovation and reliability, Zebra offers technologies that give a virtual voice to an organization's assets, people and transactions, enabling organizations to unlock greater business value.   

The company's extensive portfolio of marking and printing technologies, including RFID and real-time location solutions, illuminates mission-critical information to help customers take smarter business actions.

Available brochures:

Cartridge Compact GC420

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At NCR, we make the everyday easier. We do this by listening to our customers, keeping their best interests in mind, and always working to make interacting with your business an exceptional experience.


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Denso Wave

Denso Wave

DENSO WAVE are meeting market demand by promoting products based on their technological know-how developed through their long involvement in the automatic data capturing, factory automation (robots) and control technologies.



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epay, a Division of Euronet Worldwide, Inc. (NASDAQ: EEFT), is a global prepaid product provider and distribution network – enabling service providers to maximize the sales of their products and services. epay delivers innovative and tailored electronic payment, cash collection solutions including POS systems integration, a full settlement and reporting service and full marketing and distribution service support.

 The epay product portfolio includes prepaid mobile top-up, prepaid debit cards, e-wallets, gift cards, digital music and other content, lottery, bill payment and money transfer through its sister company Ria, and transport payment solutions including road tolls and public transport.

Note - EPAY is only available in New Zealand.

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Oolio is an Australian-based start-up on a mission to empower the hospitality industry. We are part of one of the largest specialist hospitality technology companies in ANZ and backed by one of Australia’s leading investment funds. Our platform is built specifically to enable venues to do what they do best – provide an exceptional experience to their patrons during moments that matter.

We believe that technology should empower hospitality, not restrain it. It should simplify and enliven, creating the spaces that allow the celebration of life. Our purpose at Oolio is to develop leading cloud technology for the hospitality industry, simplifying back-of-house processes and empowering a thriving front-of-house with the singular mission of celebrating special moments, simply.

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Call us on 1300 944 117 to purchase your POS system