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13 Oct
Update to Ideal Handheld v4
We're just released an update for Ideal Handheld v4 which includes a few new features, and also a lot of bug fixes. You may see this update come through automatically, but if not you can download it manually.
Prompt added to “Cancel Order” button:
When pressing “Cancel Order”, the app now displays a prompt asking the user if they are sure that they want to cancel the order. This was done to prevent accidental order cancellations from occurring.
Display a prompt when there are unsaved changes in Settings:
When making any changes to the Settings in the app and you forget to press the “Save” button, the app will display a message advising that there are unsaved changes and give the opportunity to press “Yes” to save the changes or press “No” to discard them.
Optional Summary screen on iPad:
This can be enabled via the Settings menu and enabling the option called “Show Item Summary”
iPad ONLY – Fill entire button with image:
The images displayed on buttons on the Handheld app did not fill the entire button like POS does. This has been changed so that the images fill the button.
Update on-screen help when app is locked:
We made a few small adjustments to the on-screen help that is displayed when the app is locked. This should make it a bit easier for consumers to understand how to use the app to place their orders.