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04 Oct
Idealpos 7 build 24
It's that time again where we release a new build of Idealpos. This time we are up to build 24 and this one includes a lot of new features and changes. It's available in both Reseller and Customer Dashboards in the Download section.
You can download the Update History here. This is a large update with a lot of changes and we recommend that you read through the Update History guide to see how to use some of the new functions.
If you are an Idealpos Customer and haven't yet linked your account, please just go to this page, enter your details and submit. When the new page loads, on the right of the page, you can request to link your company to your account which will give you extra benefits.
** Enhancements
* [IP-89] - Price Enquiry Toggle for Multiple Items
* [IP-150] - Clerk Financial Report - percentage modifications
* [IP-200] - Number Keypad support on Edit Cash Declaration screen
* [IP-204] - Stock Items Listing - option to display Average or Last Cost
* [IP-207] - Support for Refund Reasons
* [IP-215] - Attribute Functionality for Stock Levels by Location Report
* [IP-227] - Number Keypad support on the Enter Stocktake Screen
* [IP-248] - Force Reference option on Tender Types
* [IP-253] - Dashboard supports This/Last Financial Year charts
* [IP-272] - Stock Item Listing - Grouped by Promotion
* [IP-273] - Global Options for New Site loads default values from Site 1
* [IP-352] - Financial Report displays All Sales Categories Totals
* [IP-430] - Enter Stocktake Screen - option to Show Counted Items Only
* [IP-433] - Customer Spending Report - options to Group by POS and Location
* [IP-434] - Customer Account Transactions Report - options to Group by POS and Location
* [IP-444] - Dashboard - List Menus and style option for Line Charts
* [IP-446] - Employee Log supports Mask Clerk option
* [IP-449] - Support for LRS Pager System
* [IP-456] - Force Receipt Threshold Amount option
* [IP-460] - Tax Invoices show Item Discounts indented
* [IP-462] - Default Subject Line for Emailing Invoices/Statements
* [IP-470] - Order Number function on button can have preprogrammed Order Number
* [IP-471] - Promotions triggered by Price Level
* [IP-476] - Yes/No Option - Print Raffle Numbers Large