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01 Mar
Idealpos Online
We are excited to announce that we have officially launched Idealpos Online.
Idealpos Online is our brand new product that provides Online Reporting functionality, allowing you to view your Idealpos 7 Reports on any PC or mobile device, anywhere, anytime.
The initial set of Reports that we have available are the Journal Enquiry, Financial Report, Stock Item Sales Report and Department Sales Report. We won't stop there and will be gradually introducing many more reports and features.
All Idealpos 7 customers who are running build 50 or higher and have internet connectivity on their POS Terminals are ready to go ahead and start their 30-day free trial of Idealpos Online.
After signing up and logging in for the first time, your POS Terminal data will be synced with Idealpos Online. After the initial sync has been completed, you will proceed to the dashboard from where a list of charts will be displayed; Nett Sales, Sale Count, Gross Profit % and many more. You can create your own Dashboards and customise them to show the charts that you want to see.
The complete sign-up process is documented in our User Guide which can be accessed by clicking on the User Guide link at the top of the Idealpos Online site, which will take you to the Idealpos Online topic.
Check out Idealpos Online here at