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14 Jun
Final Oxfam Team Update Before Leaving
With the event looming closer and closer, we catch up with Gerry for the final time before the guys take to the trail to raise money for Oxfam. They have raised over $3,200 with a target of $4,000. If you can spare any change they would really appreciate it.
"Only three more sleeps to go before No Small Feet (the Idealpos team of Andrew, Alex, Louis and myself) tackle the 100k Oxfam Brisbane walk for charity! I can’t help but recall my favourite redundant quote from Dimple Guy of Survivor Season 2: “Now the reality…is very real.” We can’t fully imagine how hard this will be (especially that long night of walking combined with sleep deprivation). Fortunately, we’ve got two great support crews, with Kym providing dinner and warm clothes at the 40k mark, and Kat bringing a full breakfast and more clothes at around the 87k mark.
People have asked which team member will fold first. This won’t happen, as we strongly support each other. This is not going to end up like those boys in the Lord of the Flies book– we’ve all got conches on this walk. And we’re not going to end up like that Oxfam Telstra team from a few years ago that left one team member behind. You’re never going to get your Fibre to the Node with that attitude!
Starting Friday the 17th June at 7am, you can track our progress at our teamspace as we reach each checkpoint on the walk. Thank you so much to all the generous donors who have supported us. If you’d still like to donate, you can do this at our teamspace. Help us reach our goal and get aid to people in need in Australia and around the world."

Idealpos is proud to support the guys in their challenge and we wish them all the best. We'll get a final wrap-up of how they went after they have recovered to let us know how everything went down, who hallucinated (our money is on Alex), who cried (probably Louis) and how they feel after achieving this result.
Good luck guys!