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16 Jul
Idealpos 7 Build 54
We've released Idealpos 7 build 54 and it's ready for downloading and installing on your system. To find out what's included, check out the Update History and see how to use the enhancements. We recommend that you read through the Update History guide to see how to use some of the new features.
We also recommend contacting your reseller for more information if you need help installing this build.
Consideration should be given to modifications made to the system which are defined in the Update History or Build Release Notes. These modifications may impact or affect a feature of the system that is currently being used. Idealpos highly recommends that a full backup of the system is created before and after the system has been updated. Idealpos also recommends that the operation of all aspects of the system are tested and monitored following this update. This advice is also applicable in the event that the Software update only contains fixes to the system and there is no Update History or Release Note document supplied. Please contact Idealpos or your Reseller for assistance.
** Enhancements
* [IP-1436] - Option to print POS Description on Kitchen Print from terminal where order is taken
* [IP-1699] - Import Promotions - support for Scan_Code field
* [IP-1935] - Hourly Sales Dashboard display in chronological order
* [IP-1976] - Yes/No Option - Show Tender Spend Limit on Receipts
* [IP-1977] - Aristocrat Gaming - option to Combine Accounts into One Total
* [IP-1987] - Assembly Payments EFTPOS - Support for Cash-Out functionality
* [IP-1988] - Export Stock Items by Range - added Webstore Field
* [IP-1995] - Journal Enquiry - Search by Table Range
* [IP-1996] - Table Summary - Item view shows Paid/Partially Paid Items
* [IP-1998] - POS Grids - Support for Chinese characters
* [IP-2008] - "Admin" User - Inhibit ability to Override Permissions with other Users
* [IP-2009] - Assembly Payments EFTPOS - Support for Settlement Enquiry functionality
* [IP-2018] - Handheld - option to Force Bills to print to specific Network Printer
* [IP-2025] - Table Alert minutes support for 3 digit values
* [IP-2026] - Bill Prints - option to show Discounts White on Black
* [IP-2027] - Ability to view Bar Tab/Table Items from POS Screen
* [IP-2034] - Kitchen Docket - option to Print Stock Items Above Header
* [IP-2042] - Speed Improvement in POS Screen with large number of Promotions
* [IP-2055] - Table Map Setups - added Shortcut Functionality