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23 Feb
Idealpos 8 Build 11 r.1
We've released Idealpos 8 Build 11 r1 which is now available.
For information on what is included in this release, Resellers can log into the website via the Reseller Area and view further details.
This release contains one change to the User Interface for the PLBPOS Interface configuration; more information is available in the Update History.
Customers using PLBPOS (Product Level Blocking Point Of Sale) should refer to the Update History for more information.
Please speak to your reseller if you are unsure whether or not you need this release.
Consideration should be given to modifications made to the system which are defined in the Update History or Build Release Notes. These modifications may impact or affect a feature of the system that is currently being used. Idealpos highly recommends that a full backup of the system is created before and after the system has been updated. Idealpos also recommends that the operation of all aspects of the system are tested and monitored following this update. This advice is applicable for all build releases of Idealpos. Please contact Idealpos or your Reseller for assistance.