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04 Dec
Idealpos 7 build 50
We've released Idealpos 7 build 50 and it's ready for downloading and installing on your system. To find out what's included, check out the Update History and see how to use the enhancements. This is quite a large update with a lot of changes and we recommend that you read through the Update History guide to see how to use some of the new features.
** Enhancements
* [IP-220] - Ability to Import Stock Item Attributes by Code or Description
* [IP-801] - Adult Age Restriction functionality
* [IP-1193] - Customer Type triggers prompt in POS
* [IP-1194] - Customer Type can be printed on Kitchen Printer docket
* [IP-1352] - Promotion Group Customer Limit - ability to limit by Amount
* [IP-1354] - Manual Modifier Grid functionality by Stock Item
* [IP-1369] - New Stock Item Label 3x8 format with larger price
* [IP-1376] - EMV Datacap Eftpos - support for DisableContactless option
* [IP-1386] - Wristband printing on Zebra HC100 supports DATE tag
* [IP-1387] - Location Listing to include Stock Location and Site descriptors
* [IP-1397] - IBA Interface to support upgraded web service security
* [IP-1420] - Support for Tiering on Maxetag Gaming Interface
* [IP-1433] - Nitro Eftpos option to Not Print Eftpos Receipt Automatically
* [IP-1439] - Yes/No Option to Inhibit Back button on Grids
* [IP-1444] - Clubline Export - support for Supplier Discount fields
* [IP-1454] - Schedules - ability to Send Message to other terminals
* [IP-1485] - Increased Speed of Stock Purchase Invoice printing
* [IP-1493] - SQL Data - Waiting for Library Initialization message has stronger wording
* [IP-1498] - Enter Stocktake can filter by Department Range
* [IP-1500] - Quick Stocktake Function
* [IP-1501] - Kitchen Print Item Priority Order
* [IP-1509] - Yes/No Option - Automatically send Gift Voucher Email if email address is present
* [IP-1510] - Yes/No Option - Inhibit Zero Priced Items on Bill Prints
* [IP-1518] - Manual Export of Sales Data in Generic format
* [IP-1521] - Warning about nearing the 10GB SQL Server Express database limit
* [IP-1537] - Automatic Stock Items Export - Filter by Attribute Type
* [IP-1539] - Export Stock Items - ability to save a specific Automatic Export Format
* [IP-1540] - Export Stock Items - Scale Unit field added
* [IP-1541] - Export Stock Items - Attribute Codes and Description Fields added
* [IP-1546] - Attributes Listing
* [IP-1547] - Attributes Setup - Attribute / Attribute Type Codes displayed
* [IP-1548] - Range Programming - Support for Stock Item Attributes
* [IP-1549] - Attribute Types - Ability to Lock Type to specific Stock Item Columns
* [IP-1550] - Ability to Override Attribute Column Headers
* [IP-1555] - New Zealand Region - removed taxable supply indicator from receipts
* [IP-1556] - Stock Levels by Location Report - option to Hide Cost Prices
We recommend contacting your reseller for more information if you need help installing this build.