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11 Aug
Idealpos 7.1 Build 11
We've released Idealpos 7.1 Build 11 and it's ready for downloading and installing on your system. To find out what's included, check out the Update History and see how to use the enhancements. We recommend that you read through the Update History guide to see how to use some of the new features.
Consideration should be given to modifications made to the system which are defined in the Update History or Build Release Notes. These modifications may impact or affect a feature of the system that is currently being used. Idealpos highly recommends that a full backup of the system is created before and after the system has been updated. Idealpos also recommends that the operation of all aspects of the system are tested and monitored following this update. This advice is also applicable in the event that the Software update only contains fixes to the system and there is no Update History or Release Note document supplied. Please contact Idealpos or your Reseller for assistance.
** Enhancements
* [IP-3246] - Journal History Enquiry - filter by Safe Drop function
* [IP-3410] - Additional Sales Type Fields added
* [IP-3433] - Support for Larger Order Numbers
* [IP-3438] - Option to filter by clerk code on Pending Sales screen
* [IP-3498] - Reservations Docket printout includes Customer Comments fields
* [IP-3500] - POS Screen Grids - Stock Item Functions can link to previous Grid (BACK)
* [IP-3509] - Order Number Range functionality only when Order Number function is used
* [IP-3512] - Tax Monitoring Fiscal Receipts - Retry functionality
* [IP-3513] - Schedules - Email Dashboard option
* [IP-3517] - USA Region - "Float" function renamed "Starting Bank"
* [IP-3529] - Special Prices Screen - Search/Sort Functionality
* [IP-3537] - Gift Vouchers - Recipient Name can be modified when using Customer
* [IP-3539] - Pending Sales - option to send to Kitchen Printers at a future time
* [IP-3546] - Archived Stocktake Report - include original Stock Level Valuation column
* [IP-3555] - Stock Codes From option supports alpha codes