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10 Apr
Idealpos 7 Build 52
We've released Idealpos 7 build 52 and it's ready for downloading and installing on your system. To find out what's included, check out the Update History and see how to use the enhancements. This is quite a large update with a lot of changes and we recommend that you read through the Update History guide to see how to use some of the new features.
** Enhancements
* [IP-400] - Jackpot Winner shows on Customer Display
* [IP-401] - Raffle Winner shown on the Customer Display
* [IP-503] - Support for Tyro Pinpad Surcharging
* [IP-954] - Support for Alpha Table Codes [* Support for Handheld app coming soon]
* [IP-1034] - Ability to Email Pending Sales
* [IP-1059] - Unlock Permissions button for Table Details
* [IP-1425] - Ability to add a range to ONLYSHOWCUSTTYPE User Defined option
* [IP-1462] - Option to Inhibit Manual Subtotal Discounts by Customer Type
* [IP-1563] - Customer Mag Card Printing: Suppress Member Number when using Format 1
* [IP-1576] - Auto Import Supplier Invoices - can find Supplier by Code
* [IP-1600] - Saudi Arabia region - Tax System same as Canadian region setting
* [IP-1610] - Reports Date Selection drop-down list includes Last 2,3 and 6 months
* [IP-1638] - Ability to add Log Out function to Shortcut Bar
* [IP-1639] - Log Out function - Hides Backoffice Screen
* [IP-1643] - Safe Drop function - option to open the Cash Drawer
* [IP-1686] - Financial Summary Report - Gross Sales field added
* [IP-1687] - Financial Summary Report - support for Dynamic Grouping in Shortcut Reports
* [IP-1702] - Yes/No Option - Inhibit Delete Items after Bill Print
* [IP-1705] - Assembly Payments EFTPOS Integration
* [IP-1713] - Yes/No Option - Print Order Number Dockets
* [IP-1719] - RMS/Hirum Room Interface - option to set Customer Type for new Customers
* [IP-1723] - Yes/No Option to Inhibit Stock Transactions on locations that have a different Stock Location
* [IP-1724] - Auto Import Promotions
* [IP-1735] - Zebra Label Printer - change font size on instruction items
* [IP-1749] - Manufactured Items option on Re-Order Reports
* [IP-1753] - Yes/No Option - Print Large Order Number on receipts
* [IP-1755] - Support for Multiple HC 100 Wristband Printers per Site
* [IP-1760] - Yes/No Option - Inhibit Order Number on Table Kitchen Prints
* [IP-1762] - Long Description Support on A4 Invoices when using Stock Notes for Long Descriptions option
* [IP-1766] - Xero API - Upgraded Transport Layer Security to 1.2
* [IP-1771] - Konami Gaming - Get Member by House Number query
* [IP-1777] - Tax Amount on Bills shows in Windows Currency Format
* [IP-1778] - Tender Labels on Receipt can show in Unexpanded Format
* [IP-1779] - Export Financial Data - support for Group by POS
* [IP-1784] - Stock Items Grid - show Grid Link Field
* [IP-1785] - Journal History Report - User-Defined Option for small Code Font
* [IP-1788] - Ability to specify a default Customer Photo Location
* [IP-1797] - Redirected Kitchen Printer Jobs show where they were Redirected from
* [IP-1809] - Pending Sale Deletions - items recorded in Journal and Activity Log
* [IP-1810] - Clerk/User Permissions for Tender Types
* [IP-1812] - Promotions - Can set specific Priorities / Move to Top and Bottom
* [IP-1826] - Support for longer Alternate Codes
* [IP-1839] - Embedded Marketing Website into Dashboard to advertise Idealpos Online
* [IP-1843] - Gift Vouchers will hide Expiry Date when Expiry Days 99999
We recommend contacting your reseller for more information if you need help installing this build.